While many of my in progress pieces have already been put on reserve by enthusiastic collectors, please do let me know if any sing to you. I can easily add you to the wait list for particular sculptures and when they are complete, if they become available, I will let you know.
To be added to the wait list, please contact me here and also indicate which sculptures you may be interested in following updates on: Sculpture Wait List
Invocation: Dance Me Into The Light
Stage: Sculpting complete Status: Available through Haven Gallery. Contact Gallery Director, Erica Berkowitz at [email protected] for more information
The Cricket's Tale
View the completed sculpture by clicking here Stage: Complete Status: Available through Copro Gallery. Contact [email protected] for more information
Golden Lotus
View the completed sculpture by clicking here Stage: Complete Status: sold
Stage: Complete Status: Sold
Beauty Will Blossom Again
View the completed sculpture by clicking here Stage: Complete Status: sold
View the completed sculpture by clicking here Stage: Complete Status: sold, through EVOKE Contemporary
Meraki: Born of Clay
View the completed sculpture by clicking here Stage: Complete Status: Available through EVOKE Contemporary
All of the following sculptures have been completed and are either sold or available through the galleries indicated in the descriptions.
"Leap Frog: Last Night I Had The Strangest Dream"
View the Completed Sculpture by clicking Here. Stage: Completed Status: Available atPoole Arts Studio
Sculpted Pedestal for Ktisis: Muse of Creativity original clay bust
We created this sculpted pedestal for our Ktisis original clay bust to complement the "Kokéta: Flirtation of the Muse" sculpture shown on the right in the rudimentary Photoshop mock-up below. When complete, the two sculptures will flank this wine room door in southern New Mexico. You can see a short video below of me working on refining the planes of the pedestal. Stage: Completed Status: sold
View the Completed Sculpture by clicking Here. This 3/4 life-sized sculpture is one I've wanted to do for years. Stage: Completed Status: Sold
The latest members of The Garden Party - meet Wolf and HyLeena, WIP. These two lovelies are deeply engaged in discussion and each other's company. They are fortunate to be joining the collection of a fantastic world builder - see a bit of Charron and info on the Beastmen on World Anvil here: https://www.worldanvil.com/w/charron-mutterwolf/a/beastmen-article. Water-based clay, "whimsically desk-sized", soon to be fired and completed.
Wolf and HyLeena: water-based clay, unique Stage: completed, at their new home Status: Sold
When this sculpture is complete, a Brahminy Kite will be perched on the young woman's right hand (you can see the talons where the bird will be attached post firing). The Brahminy Kite is a stunning bird, often associated with Garuda, a powerful Hindu protector being with the power to fly anywhere. The word Garuda has its origins in the verb "gri" - to speak.
Her right hand is in the "Palli Mudra" - a hand symbol that represents listening to your inner voice and having confidence in yourself. This sculpture is about following your passion in life.
Duende: water-based clay, 3/4 life-sized Stage: complete Status: Available at EVOKE Contemporary
As First Prize winners of Beautiful Bizarre's Yasha Young Projects Sculpture Award, we were invited to create a piece for their "Midnight Garden" show opening October 24 at Modern Eden Gallery in San Francisco. "Awaken the Night" will be joining works from other finalists and winners. Click here to see a video about the making of "Awaken the Night."
Awaken the Night: water-based clay and caseins, unique Stage: complete Status: Sold, through Modern Eden Gallery in San Francisco
Tiger Man: life-sized water based clay, 34"x 18"x 18" Stage: complete Status: Sold I sculpted the figure and Colin added the surface motifs. Inspired by heraldic imagery and paintings on the ceiling of the Uffizi Gallery in Florence, the designs start at Tiger Man's upper back with a face of a tiger. Various animals of prey, including boar, nilgai, antelope, ibis and other birds move in free flowing designs away from the tiger, spiraling over his upper arms and lower back.
The Garden Party is a new grouping of "desk-sized" humanimals, created to be placed in interactive poses with one another. I imagine them in a garden on a warm summer day, chatting and enjoying each other's company, just before tea time. Stage: Completed Status: Sold
Boaris and Leo Stage: Completed Status: Sold Boaris and Leo are a pair enjoying a day in the park. Boaris reads his favorite story from "Savanna Tales: Boaris and Leo's Awesome Adventure" while Leo listens and idly draws in the sand.
Cape Buffalo Raconteur - water-based clay, 9.5"x 8"x 9.5" Stage: Completed Status: Sold "Amusing the ladies" with his tales of derring-do
Tapir Girl - water-based clay, 6"x 18"x 9" Stage: Completed Status: Sold Languidly lounging as she listens to Cape Buffalo Man's stories
Barasingha Lady - water-based clay, 11"x 6"x 7" Stage: Completed Status: Sold Barasingha Lady mirrors Cape Buffalo Man's pose as she interacts intently with him.
Tiger Boy - water-based clay, 9"x 8"x 8" Stage: Complete Status: Available Tiger Boy watches on, perhaps not entirely amused that Cape Buffalo Man is getting all the attention, or maybe he's just rapt with interest in the story (surely, it's not that he's hungry... ;)
The Lady Valkyrie: Water-based clay, 18"x 7"x 9" Stage: Completed Status: Sold The Lady Valkyrie flies freely as she carries her own wings with her. Her headdress is based on one of our Lady Amherst Pheasants, SweetPea. You can see the clay support just near her right leg. This will help to stabilize her weight through the drying and firing processes.
And on the other side of the studio...
Colin is currently enlarging his "Wind in the Waves" sculpture. The first sculpture in the edition will be installed in a stunning and perfect setting - Sula will be dancing in a custom water feature with the backdrop of mountains in Southern New Mexico. Stage: Mold complete and wax is being cast at the foundry Status: available, contact us for more images