Hot Diggety Dog and Pretty Little Pussy
“Hot Diggety Dog” and “Pretty Little Pussy” are interpretations of the Egyptian deities which melded with Greek mythological figures, Hermes-Anubis (renamed Hermanubis) and Bast-Artemis (renamed Ailuros), respectively. In some mythologies, these two were considered to be husband and wife. This sculptural pair offers a visually ironic take on gods, attraction, marriage and the dalliances and foibles often integral to the personalities of Greek deities.
"Hot Diggety Dog" is a collaborative piece created by Colin and Kristine Poole and was honored with a Silver Award in the Dimensional Division in “Spectrum 21: The Best in Contemporary Fantastic Art.” He also made an appearance in 2016’s “Infected by Art, Volume 4” and was a finalist in Beautiful Bizarre Magazine's inaugural Art Prize.
"Pretty Little Pussy" made her publishing debut in “Spectrum 23: The Best in Contemporary Fantastic Art.” They sadly are living apart these days, but we hope that at some time in the future, they will once again be joined together and reside in the same place as they were designed to do.
"Hot Diggety Dog" is a collaborative piece created by Colin and Kristine Poole and was honored with a Silver Award in the Dimensional Division in “Spectrum 21: The Best in Contemporary Fantastic Art.” He also made an appearance in 2016’s “Infected by Art, Volume 4” and was a finalist in Beautiful Bizarre Magazine's inaugural Art Prize.
"Pretty Little Pussy" made her publishing debut in “Spectrum 23: The Best in Contemporary Fantastic Art.” They sadly are living apart these days, but we hope that at some time in the future, they will once again be joined together and reside in the same place as they were designed to do.